Alright, so to all of those who told me do to Karaoke, to whom I most likely said "we'll see" but didn't really mean it cause I never intended to do it... well... I did it. I hope that you are happy. Here's my report:
We went to a place called U-bou, which some of my friends had already been to. The cool thing about the place is that A: you can stay until 5 in the morning, and B: for 3300Yen you get all you can drink, and unlimited karaoke. So yeah, there were about five of us that were hardcore and went fully intending to stay the whole night. All together we started with about 15 people, but the thing is that the subways stop running at about 12:30. Depending on the line, they start back up at about 6:00am. So either you go home early, or you're in it for the long-haul. Most people went home early. It is possible to get a taxi, but they are really expensive. So yeah, the night went on and most people left at least fairly early, but considering we got there at seven thirty, I guess most of them stayed for about four hours or so. We were split between two rooms. There was a lot of meandering and chatting in the hall too, so it was good not only to do Karaoke, but to have fun just haning out with all the foreigners. Everybody that came were exchange students, but they were from all over the world, so it was still really cool. Anyhow, it got down to just the five of us, and only three for a while, but we still rocked out hardcore. Once our time was up, we all payed and headed out into the streets. three of our party went into a local diner to get some early breakfast, but Tom and I just walked around a bit, wasting time til we could go home. It was starting to get light out by that time. After a while the subways opened and we all parted ways. I fell asleep on the second train, and almost didn't get off at my station. Fortunately it's the last stop, so the train lingers there for a bit before starting its next run. I woke up to realize I was in my station and needed to go. Even so, I still had to wait for the bus, which seemed to take FOREVER!!! I may it home regardless; trying so hard to keep my eyes open on the bus so I wouldn't miss my stop.
Story aside - My evaluation:
It was fun. BUT, I think there were two big contributing factors: A) the people you are with make all the difference. B) the drinks help. If the people around you are good friends, just into it and having a good time, it's awesome. But I would hate to do Karaoke with people I don't really know, or people I can't have fun with. It's all about just letting loose and not caring, and if you aren't able to do that because of the people you are with, then you're not gonna have fun. On the flipside, however, if the people you are with are cool, then it's super awesome fun time, oh yeah! And if you're all feeling a little rigid and or bashful, the drinks will help with that bit and get you singing in no time. I'm pretty sure I thought I really was Chris Martin there for a bit. That or a real member of Destiny's Child.... Oh yes I
did do Destiny's Child... Who else... Foo fighters, Radiohead, some Japanese bands, Arctic Monkeys (tho I got laughed at by the British guys for not sounding
British enough), etc.
Over all, it was a really great time. Definitely something I would do again. Altho, in Japan it's a very big industry. I would be skeptical about a Karaoke bar in the states. I wish that I could bring my friends from home up here to do Japanese Karaoke with me. Maybe someday.
Post Script:
I got back home around 7 o'clock and slept til 12:30, then that night I went out to dinner with my host mom and a few of her friends, and another ryuugakusei (exchange student). We had a whole bunch of expensive food and drinks, and this tiny little place had a karaoke corner it in, so yes of course we all had to do at least one song. Out of a book that was about three inches thick, there were maybe 3 pages of song list that were in english, so I chose "by the way" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Oh yeah... I rocked out!
Post Post Script:
If any of you out there are english teachers, I apologize profusely for the terrible grammar employed in this post. The more tired I am, the more prone I am to use an ungodly amount of commas, and poor sentence structures.